Content Strategy For Business Growth

Content Strategy For Business Growth

Content Strategy

When it comes to your business, the content you create determines the interaction you have with your customers, or potential customers. Today, we have so many options to choose from for how we communicate with customers you already have, and the ones you hope to have. As a small business owner, or entrepreneur, you don’t always stop to think which content option is best for your business. Knowing what your options are and why choose one over the other is a step towards efficient communication with your intended audience. The result, when you choose the right form of communication, is finding the customer (s) that’s willing to pay for your services or products.

 Your Content Strategy Options

Below you will find a short video that outlines options for communicating about your business, service, product, and why you should choose each. The content in the video is similar to the blog post I wrote on the six content you can use to build your brand. As similar as the two posts may be, this is more visual, and speaks directly to why you would build a website, grow your social media audience, or choose other communication options to deliver your message. The goal is to communicate the right information, with the right tool, that will effectively reach your audience.

I also thought that I would share the transcript of the video. It’s for those of us business owners with little time and would prefer to skim the content. I know while building a business is important, other aspect of life is equally important. Before diverting your attention to family or other facets of your life, take a moment and either watch the video or read the transcript. Your business will thank you.

Share your thoughts or questions about the video and what you would like other videos to be about.


Video Transcript

Content strategy is the creation, publication and distribution of content that can attract an audience, increase brand awareness and engage an online community of users

Whether you are a small business or an entrepreneur, creating the right content can help to further your objectives and build your brand.

Whats more, the information you create can showcase your expertise

You may ask, why do you need the right content? Here are just a few reasons why…

Nurture relationships with current customers

Attract potential customers

To share information that’s relevant to the success of your company

The information you create should be be unique and relevant to your business brand

What kind of information can you create? The examples that follow are not your only option, just a good place to start

Build a website to share information about your company, and the product or service you offer

Create a blog to add credibility and relevance to your business.  It’s also another way to display your expertise

Continue to grow your online presence by using social media to build your brand and

Produce e-books to establish authority and grow your audience

White papers is yet another way to build credibility and to educate current and potential customers

Connect your content and other external content to demonstrate and recognize the value of others in your industry. It’s a cost effective way to build relationships while showing alternative views

Infographics is an excellent way to help your audience process elaborate content efficiently.

Within the next year alone there will be more than 4.5 billion email users. It make sense to use emails to build relationships, trust and your brand

A personalize message is not only more engaging, it allows you to create a deeper level of empathy and trust with your audience

Whether you choose an email campaign, an e-book, or all the options mention in this short video. One thing is certain, you can create content that will retain your current customers and grow your business.

Vision Statement? Do You Need One?

Vision Statement? Do You Need One?

Your Vision Statement – You’ve written a mission statement, the next step is to articulate the vision of your business.

When you think about creating a mission or a vision statement, you are more likely to believe you should create one before the mission statement. Why? Because its human nature. We visualize or daydream about something before we attempt to materialize it or take actionable steps towards making it happen. However, for building a business, the process is actually the opposite. In business, you need a mission statement to clarify the what and why of your business. Read on to understand why the logical next step would be a vision statement.

Vision Statement  or Mission Statement? Which Comes First

Depending on who you talk with, they will either agree or disagree regarding the mission-vision process. The conflicting suggestions, as to which come first, mission or vision are not unusual.  I have to admit, when I first considered a mission and vision statement, I also believed I need to write my vision first. I didn’t realize the importance or goal of each. It was goal changing to learn that for the building blocks of a business; you need to understand the mission in order to create a vision. It’s understandable to think you need a vision statement in order to define your business mission, and learning more about the role of each helps to realize the opposite is actually more effective.

To recap

A mission statement summarizes the aims and values of a business.  When you create a mission statement, you are determining the HOW. Think of it as answering questions such as.

  • What exactly is it I do?
  • Why do I do it?
  • For whom?

When you can define your HOW and answer key questions such as the three above, then you can sit and develop a vision for accomplishing your clearly defined mission. Writing a vision statement is not simple. In fact, it can be daunting. It’s overwhelming because you are not just considering your company and its future, you are attempting to create a level of inspiration, motivation, and excitement about what you do and why you do it. Whether you are a company of one or a hundred, it’s not effortless to create a vision for your business that will compel you to do more than just hang a poster on a wall in your office.

Create a vision statement that will sharpen your goals and mobilize your efforts.

It epitomize the core value of your business and you can use it as a roadmap for where you see your business in the future. A well-crafted statement can affect the long-term objectives of a business and can determine the success of a business.

With a succinct, meaningful business outlook, you are more likely to be engaged and focused on achieving the success of your business. In fact, research shows you are more productive and more effective in your efforts to pursue your business goals. That is why it’s worth the effort to create a statement that bolster your efforts to achieve success.

Shaping your vision 

Depending on the size of your business, the process for crafting a vision statement will be different. In a small business, getting the views of your employees is a simplistic process. In a larger business, you must be selective in capturing the range of voices and opinions that would contribute to forming a statement that benefits the business. For a middle to larger size businesses, greater options are available. A larger business would use resources such as workshops, individual interviews, and feedback from its employees.

Regardless of your size

But, let’s say you are not a middle to large size business or even a small one. Maybe you are a business of one, you are an entrepreneur.  A vision of your business is just as relevant regardless of your size. A small, mid to large size business may have more options, an entrepreneur may need to be more contemplative. Either way, the outlook you create today will be your source of encouragement for growth tomorrow.

Use Your Mission Statement As A Framework

Even though creating a vision statement can overwhelm, it doesn’t have to be. To develop a powerful statement, use the information you already have. You’ve taken the time to craft your business’s mission statement, now use it as a framework for your vision statement. Another technique to consider is the same one I mention in my post on writing a mission statement. Study the vision statement of your competitors, or even the ones of those businesses you emulate. Notice what differentiates your business and theirs. Possibly what they are not focusing on in their statement that you would like to in yours. Here are three examples of noteworthy vision statement of companies you may recognize.

LinkedIn–“Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”

American Express–“Provide the world’s best customer experience every day.”

Alzheimer’s Association–“A world without Alzheimer’s and other dementia.”

Ikea – To create a better everyday life for many people

What do you notice about the vision statement of the companies above? They are short and concise. Usually a vision statement is no longer than two sentences. There are two reasons a vision statement should be brief:

  1. It should be simple enough to understand
  2. It should be memorable

While it is a good idea to be succinct with a vision statement, you may find that the one you created during your process is larger or more detailed. That the original is expansive is okay. However, you still have more work to do. Before you walk away from what you believe is the vision of your business, it’s a good idea to condense that paragraph or two into a sentence or two.

How to use your vision statement

While it’s nice to have your vision and mission statement on a visible wall to see every day, consider how to strategically integrate it into your business. Consider it a tool you can use to align and inspire you to meet your business goals. Place it on your website and stationary. Share it on social media. Whether you have one employee or fifty, even if you use independent contractors, or consultants, make sure they know and understand the value and vision of your business. Their actions and decisions should reflect your business’s vision.

Reviewing and revising is the norm

You spend a lot of time thinking, crafting, and molding the ultimate words of your vision statement. To now discover it should be revised and updated, may not be what you want to read. Before throwing in the towel and giving up, let me explain why you want to revise your vision statement as often as needed. There is only one reason or one word to consider.


Even if you don’t like it, The world will change, your industry will no doubt change. Large or small, you recognize that in order to succeed you have to grow with your industry. Even If you have to attend a conference, take a course, learn a new software, or communicate differently with your clients or customers, it doesn’t matter. You will do what it takes to grow your business and achieve success. Because of your willingness to keep up with the demands of your industry, revising your vision statement to adjust and keep up with the new norm is your aim. You rework your roadmap to see the success you can achieve in the future.

Tips to keep in mind when constructing your vision statement

  • Align it with your business values
  • Use clear concise words that free of idioms or slangs
  • Write in the present tense
  • Focus on the success of your business – see your success
  • Project your success at least five years ahead
  • Be inspiring and enthusiastic with the words you use

The Vision statement you create today won’t just guide all aspects of your business. It will also be the one constant reminder during the ebbs and flow of your business. If you are a small business or an entrepreneur, it will contribute to why you pursue your business every day. For mid to large businesses, it will be the reason employees double down on their efforts to meet the objectives of the business. Above all, the vision statement is a reminder that your goals are bigger than what you do every day.

Mission Statement, Why You Need One

Mission Statement, Why You Need One

Mission statement, It doesn’t matter if you are a brand new startup or a small business offering a service, or a product for decades, you need one. As a business owner, you know where your business is right now and where you want it to be. However, one consistent fact is most business owner haven’t taken the time to create a visual representation of their business. Chances are, they haven’t taken the steps to create a milestone of where they are and want to be, so that a month, or a year from now, they can see how far they’ve grown, or even if there was growth.

Our Primary Mode of Communication

Before delving into this post, allow me to digress for a moment and talk about something I’m enamored with. Words. Do you realize the words we speak, or write is as important as the air we breathe? Think about it.  What would life be like if we couldn’t speak, or write, or read words in all its forms? Whether it’s in my native English or through myriads of other languages in existence, the usage of words is our primary mode of communication in every conceivable way. And, as a business owner, you must use something that’s as innate as the air you breathe, optimally.

Words are important

But you can’t just walk up to a potential customer and babble about your business and expect that potential customer to buy your product or use your service. Create and optimize words in its highest conceivable form to convince that stranger walking down the street, or surfing the internet, or meandering through one of today’s social sites to want what you offer.

Successful business owners discovered that what they communicate matters

Words have the power to determines their achievement. That realization happened either at the start of a business, or after. At some point, pen connect with paper, or fingers fly across a keyboard, intending to move an idea of business success from a thought to a tangible visual representation of true expectations.

Here is another extraordinary fact that’s as amazing as our use of words: We all don’t fit neatly in a box. That previous sentence is one of my favorite idioms. For me, it’s saying we are not a carbon copy of each other. Another idiom.  These wonderful idioms aside, as a business owner, we grow at varying speed, and so I will not say in this post that you must take your business goals and ideas from your mind and make it tangible by writing them down. Instead, consider this post to be a reference point. When you are ready, it’s here. Take into account the options mention in this post and future post on the topic. Pick one, or use all when the time is right, or when you are ready to accelerate your business goals. Here is the first optimal use of words to grow your business.

 Create a Mission Statement

Hopefully, my introduction above convinced you of its importance. If you’ve ever wondered what a mission statement is here is a formal definition. It’s a summary of the aims and values of a business, regardless of its size or type. Use Wikipedia to delve deeper into its definition, and you’ll learn there are three parts to a mission statement:

  •  Key market: The target audience
  • Contribution: The product or service
  • Distinction: What makes the product or service unique and why would they want it.

Write a mission statement to clearly outline your business goals and agenda. Also, to provide the best outcome for your customers. In order to do that, you need to understand who you are targeting, what you are offering, and how you will stand out from your competitors. As a business owner, the value or purpose of a mission statement is to clarify a business path to success.

Examples of well-known mission statements

LinkedIn: Connect the world’s professionals to make them more successful and professional.

American Express: Become essential to our customers by providing differentiated products and services to help them achieve their aspirations.

Honest Tea: Seek to create and promote great-tasting, healthy organic beverages. We strive to grow our business with the same honesty and integrity we used to craft our recipes, with sustainability and great taste for all.

Don’t be a part of the norm

Most businesses usually conclude that they don’t need a mission statement, especially if they are new or small. It’s understandable why you would think that way. Your competitor doesn’t have one. Right? My question to you is: Are you sure? Yes,  most medium to large businesses have their mission statement on their website. Just because you are not the size of American Express, it doesn’t mean a mission statement isn’t valuable.

Yes, you need a mission statement. It doesn’t matter if you have a few customers or a thousand. A paragraph outlining what your business goals are is an essential step that can only benefit your efforts to grow your business.

This is part 1 of a series on building your business with the right content

Part 2 will delve into why you need a vision statement. As a business owner, understanding and knowing about the content you need to build your business and your brand is a relevant part of achieving success. Yes,  those blog posts you need are important. And well-written content on your site is also equally important. But you need to have the right content that conveys your inner vision and capture your audience. The more you can encapsulate your business purpose, the better you can take advantage of services such as mine to suit your business needs. Stay tune for more in the series.

Popular Content That Can Build Your Brand

Popular Content That Can Build Your Brand

Popular Content can build your brand. So you’ve created a website for your business. Now how do you get visitors to your site? As hard as it is to imagine, the hard part isn’t building your site, it’s growing your audience. One tried-and-true method is to create a blog. With a blog, you can showcase your expertise, differentiate your business from your competitors, while driving traffic to your site. As valuable as a blog may be, it’s not the only way to create the content you can use to build your brand.

While continuing to generate targeted content with a blog, also consider other popular content. Consider content that can generate more traffic and highlight your proficiency. Now, you may wonder why not just a blog? By distributing a variety of popular content, you can expect these benefits:

Enhanced SEO strategy

It’s undeniable, Google expect quality content to rank your site. Creating varied content will show Google that your site delivers superior content worthy of being ranked for the search engine giant.

Increased engagement

When visitors come to your site, some will prefer one way of viewing your content (i.e. your blog). Others will prefer ways such as YouTube, or other format.

Increased credibility

Deliver a variety of content to your audience, and use online platforms such as the ones mentioned below. This will build trust, which create the opportunity to approach potential customers and sell your product or service.

The goal is to use one or all of these popular content to offer your visitors a variety of ways to learn more about your business. Below is a list showcasing other types of popular content you can deliver. These content can increase traffic to your site, while helping to build your business brand. Choose the ones that best fit your business goals, or all to maximize your reach.


When a business create an eBook, it’s because they have useful information they wish to share. While sharing information is a good reason to create one, there are other benefits to consider. An eBook like most content tool isn’t just about sharing information, it’s about cultivating relationships by building trust. With trust, your potential client or customer will remember the insight you’ve provided and will probably return to take advantage of the service or product you offer.

When you create an eBook and focus on delivering value-driven content, you’ve developed a mechanism for collecting information from your audience. Create a gateway to the eBook by offering access for information such as an Email address or any data deemed useful.

Keep in mind, creating an eBook can take considerable more time than a blog or social media post, and could involve an investment of your time if you create one yourself.  As intimidating as the creation process may seem, or the investment you may make, consider benefits such as lead generation, increased revenue, and better brand awareness. The money and time you invest will worth the effort.

White Papers

Like an eBook, this is a dynamic lead generation tool. It’s yet another form of content delivery that can build brand awareness and cultivate relationships. However, creating a white paper is more involved than an eBook. More involved, because the content comprised is data driven. A white paper is an excellent tool for B2B and other small businesses used to garner trust and respect. 

When a business write a white paper, the goal is to attract an audience outside of their typical reach.  With a white paper you can offer industry-driven content that will help to build new audiences. While a white paper’s purpose is to provide actual evidence, it’s not used to tell your potential readers why they should buy or use your products or services. As mentioned above, it’s about expanding your reach. 

Like an eBook, white papers are usually behind a gateway. It’s the perfect lead generation tool and a means to collect information from your readers. Data you can use to create audience engagement through another medium such as email marketing.

Social Media Posts 

Social media is a great way to get the word out about your business. In fact, you can consider social media to be the 21st century answer to press releases.  While using press releases is not obsolete, if you want to generate buzz about your business, using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any of the other popular platform is an excellent strategy.

Getting the word out about your business isn’t the only benefit you can expect from using social media. When used strategically, it can help to build brand awareness again by cultivating relationships with your target audience. Each social media fan or follower you gain will probably become a loyal customer, willing to tell their friends about your product or service.

Whether you use Facebook or any of the very popular platforms available, you can expect an extensive reach. Facebook alone has over two billion active users. These users visit the site to gather information about their interests, which could be to learn more about products, services, or a particular business. Because of social media, businesses have changed the way they market to customers.

When using social media to grow your business, consistency is the aim. To take full advantage of the reach social media can deliver, you need to post often, preferably daily. To do anything less is to risk losing exposure. 


Videos are becoming the norm to share content online and here is why. Because of the massive growth of YouTube, the second largest search engine online. Not far behind is Twitter and Facebook, two very popular mediums that’s becoming the fastest growing visual platforms on the internet. 

These days, it makes sense to integrate video into your content strategy, considering that over 95% of visitors to sites such as Facebook will remember a message when engaged with a video post, before they would if they read a text post. 

A smart strategy for any business is to use videos to stay ahead of their competitors by sharing their brand story. While the use of videos are becoming a mainstay for businesses, it shouldn’t be used to sell products or services. Instead, use this platform to connect emotionally with current and potential customers. 

Like social media posts, the key to video distribution is consistency. It’s better to distribute ten short videos about your company than to spend months on one. Create short videos to introduce yourself and your employees, or to share testimonials from your clients or customers.

Email Marketing

Remember the gateway mentioned above to gain access to an eBook or white paper? This is where the data collected will be valuable. Armed with the email addresses gathered from those interested in your eBook or white paper, you can start an email marketing strategy that can continue to grow your business and build trust between future and current customers.

If you’ve read the post, Using Email Marketing To Grow Your Business, then you know Email marketing is one of the best marketing strategies used by big and small businesses. In fact, email is more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined. By using this online strategy, you are not only solidifying the relationships you’ve cultivated with your blog or white paper readers; you are building credibility.

Like an eBook or a white paper you can use email to establish authority in your field. Use it to demonstrate your knowledge and share relevant information about your company. The best way to do this is to offer value in every email you broadcast.

Email marketing is yet another popular content that can be a reliable form of communication between your brand and current and prospective customers. Also, it’s a cost-effective solution to reach customers through their inbox.


Infographics is exactly what its name implies. It’s the use of graphics to present information or data. It gained popularity because the visual image which is usually a chart or diagram, take complex data and present them clearly. 

Used across the web, most infographics are used to convey complex information by not only grabbing the attention of its viewer, but to present the information persuasively.

Big and small businesses use infographics. They are yet another tool used to build brand awareness and create credibility. And thanks to the internet and mediums such as Facebook and Twitter you can use infographics to expand your reach.

Infographics are not just an excellent way to depict data, they are the perfect vehicle to present evergreen content to your audience. Choose a topic that’s relevant and they can share your graphic for months even years. 

While infographics are a useful business tool, it also takes effort to create a graphic that’s not only top notch, but will convey your message. With some graphic design skills you can create one yourself. However, if this isn’t an option, consider outsourcing to get an infographic that will convey your message.


These options are not the only ones you can use, but they are the ones most businesses implement to create an impact while attaining goals such as brand awareness, credibility and the ability to drive traffic to a site.

Whether you choose to use one or all of the suggestions above, it’s important to be strategic in your efforts. Start by creating a plan or a content strategy that will guide your efforts, and could help to generate the results you want. 

Email Marketing, How To Use It To Grow Your Business

Email Marketing, How To Use It To Grow Your Business

E-mail marketing or emails is one of a few popular content you can use to grow your business. It doesn’t matter if you are a blogger, entrepreneur, or small business, email marketing should be a part of your marketing strategy. Not even two decades ago, the only way to communicate with your customers or clients is via direct mail. You had to have your letter written, your brochure created, then you would put your letter or brochure in an envelope, place a stamp on it, then go to the post office and mail it. Just writing the process is daunting.

Today, because of advancements such as computers in almost every household, smart phones in everyone’s hand, your methods of communication have changed. And in each of these devices is a tool that is as commonplace as your local post office. That tool is an email application or software. It’s far-fetch to say that an email account has surpass the use of the post office. These days, most of us only visit the post office to mail a package, or to communicate with that one person in our lives who may not have access to the internet, or god forbid an email account.

E-mail Marketing Is Relevant For Today’s Businesses

The relevance of an email account is not just for personal use. In fact, for businesses, email and email marketing has become a core component for any successful marketing venture. That is why if you visit any website, one of its first function is to request an e-mail address. What almost every business has discovered are the benefits of using emails to communicate with current and prospective customers. It’s a cost effective tool to nurture relationships. In addition, you can also use it to not just market a business, but to also build a business brand.

As lucrative as it may be to use emails to grow your business and build your brand, there are still a large percentage of businesses not taking advantage of this essential tool. Perhaps they believe that using email to reach their audience is no longer effective. Most likely, though, they are not fully using this tool because they don’t realize its benefit.

What are the benefits of an email marketing strategy? Other than it’s a cost-effective way to reach an audience. There are other core benefits to consider. I mention only five benefits, but know that there are many other advantages worth considering when planning your email marketing strategy.

Engage with a global audience

While you can communicate with others globally through social media, using email is the preeminent way to communicate professionally. This is true whether you are a big or small business, a business that sells locally, or one that focuses on an online audience.

Targeted Communication

What other communication tool can segment your customer or potential customers. Imagine being able to send a personalized e-mail to your ongoing customer, while sending a different e-mail to prospective customers that can help to cultivate the trust needed for them to choose your service or product. It’s worth mentioning again, using targeted e-mails can help your business build its brand and trust.

Brand Recognition

I can’t imagine a single person and a majority of the world that isn’t aware of Amazon. If you’ve ever purchase anything from this conglomerate, then you’ve most likely received an e-mail from them. Amazon is the perfect example of brand recognition. You recognize their name and buy from them because they’ve meticulously built their brand by selling to its customers better than most local or even some online businesses in the same market. One of the way they do it? Email marketing. It’s also worth mentioning that their use of targeted communication is also how they’ve maintained their ongoing customers while continuing to target prospective customers.

E-mail Marketing Build’s customer relationship

Continuing with Amazon as an example. Their emails are target their customers, and as we’ve established, they use emails to build their business. In using emails just in these two distinct ways, they are building a relationship of trust. They are telling its ongoing customer and prospective customers that they are trustworthy. Trust is a major factor in converting new customer and keeping current customers.

Establish authority

In most businesses, its owner is usually an expert in its industry. One way to establish this authority is by distributing emails. Your content or the information you have to share is your most valuable marketing tool. Use and distribute your knowledge using an email marketing strategy that will help to show that you are an authority in your industry.

Exhibiting authority isn’t just for businesses who provide a service. It’s also valuable for those who sell physical products. Imagine yourself not as a business, but as a consumer. How valuable would it be to share with potential customer information on products they are about to buy?

In conclusion

In 2020 there were 3.9 billion daily e-mail users. By 2023 there will be 4.3 billion people using email. Even with the rise of marketing platforms such as social media, (which will be a future post,) e-mail marketing is still one of the most valuable ways to reach and engage your targeted audience. Remember, it doesn’t matter the size or type of business; every business, big and small should use email marketing to reach its audience. It is the best way to build strategic relationships.